Saturday 4 June 2016


A beautiful sunny Saturday, filled with potential.

The 2 smallest lambs, 6&7 (another new one arrived on Monday!) have moved back into the polytunnel area so I can continue to bottle feed them away from the other monsters. These little girls are lounging on a grassy hump in the sunshine, awaiting their breakfast. The 4 older boys are grazing, but No 5 is calling out already - he is a moany male, I wonder if this is because he still has his testicles, or just that he is the youngest...!
These might make a lovely, furry pair of earings...

Over at the back of the croft there are some rugged cliffs - not too high up, but high enough to give a good view of the surrounding fields. Today 2 pairs of Lapwings are dive bombing the crag - it is a good place for eagles to sit and survey, so I suspect they are trying to scare off a predator who has been bothering them on their nests.

I love Lapwings - they are such a glamorous bird for the Outer Hebrides, with their black fascinator head dress, and shiny green and rainbow cloaks.  When they are flying their wings make an unusual pattern, it reminds of the Thai fighters in Star Wars!  And their call is un-mistakeable when you have heard it once.

Our gazings clerk has made himself a new field at the edge of the village and this is where the Lapwings have moved in. They like a marshy ground but with a mix of cover. There are certain spots around South Lochs where you can see them wheeling in the sky in the springtime, I'm so glad we have become one of their chosen areas, they are fascinating to watch.

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