Friday 5 February 2016

Gertrude & Henry

It being January, we were battered as usual by some pretty fierce storms, wind gusting to 90mph, schools cancelled for 2 days but thankfully no damage to anything much at home.  The met office has a new system for naming storms, so this pair were Gertrude (the name for an underwater phone used by submarines) and Henry (Royal Harry's correct name, who knew?).

In a calm following the storm, the ground looks like a sponge that has drained all of it's water and is left looking a little off colour.  The grass is longing to grow again, but the sun just can't get over itself enough to break through the grey clouds.

Today felt a bit warmer though, there was a tentative glance towards spring as the last of the puddles disappeared and people emerged from their bunkers.

I really do think that when the weather is this bad in the Hebrides we would all be better off living under ground, or maybe in submarines, deep down in the oceans experiencing another world, while ours endures another January weather Drama up on top.

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